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Oct 25, 2023

Oct 25, 2023

Alert: Help Congress Create Medicare Dental that Works

Aug 23, 2021
On August 23, 2021, the ADA’s Legislative Action Center sent a very important Medicare dental alert to all ADA members.

Congress is currently in talks to design a new dental benefit in Medicare. Dentists need to be front and center to help determine how the Medicare dental benefit can work best for dentists and Medicare patients. Otherwise, Congress may create a program that is significantly underfunded and an administrative nightmare. Why must you act soon and contact your members of Congress?
  • The ADA calculates that the Medicare Dental Coverage Act of 2021 is underfunded which will limit the reimbursement paid to dentists and/or reduce the dental benefit available to seniors.
  • Medicare Part B was created for physicians, not dentists. Dental care is significantly different than medical care and necessitates its own designated program.
  • The Medicare Dental Coverage Act of 2021 will not get dental care to seniors most in need. Low income seniors will not be able to afford the cost sharing requirement.

As the leading advocates for oral health, let Congress know that a separate Medicare dental program is necessary.

Take Action Now
  • Tell Congress not to include Medicare dental in Part B.
  • Tell Congress to support the ADA’s Medicare Part “T” program creating a dental benefit for seniors below 300% of the Federal Poverty Limit.
  • Tell Congress to appropriately fund the Medicare Part T program so that dentists are reimbursed at adequate levels to create a robust provider network.

For more details, see the ADA’s webinar — “Congressional Medicare Dental Benefit Proposal: What is it and where is it going?”